Thursday, June 26, 2008

First Haircut

Zac had his first Haircut June 18th! His hair was getting long on top and it is hot, so it would stick to his face. When the wind blows real hard, it all flies in the air. He was so good. The boys entertained and Daddy got a cut too, so Zac had someone else to watch. I held him in my arms and Sandra went around his head snipping here and there. A couple of times Zac turned and looked at what she was doing. The haircut didn't start until 7pm and he is usually in bed by then, but he did really good. He yawned a couple of times and stared a little bit too. But he really loves Sandra and she is a very lively lady.

Sandra is the only person that cuts Aaron and the boys hair. Aaron was roommates with her son Jesse, so he has been getting haircuts there since our college days. I have certificate's and photos of Sandra with all 3 of my boys for their first haircut. Zac looks super cute and he is now ready for his 1st birthday party this Saturday. We are having Bratwurst, watermelon, chips and dip, and I am going to attempt to make the cake. I have a really cool kids cookbook that has lots of great ideas. We shall see. (Stay tuned, because Aaron made the party invitations.)

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Happy Fathers Day

Happy Fathers Day!! We spent fathers day at Grandma's house. The kids swam for a while and then we played a game Aaron bought called "bocce ball". Kristen and I each made a dessert that the guys would like. Mine was Aunt Debbie's Pistachio Dessert. Very yummy! We had kabobs on the grill and salad and bread. It was a perfect day.

The boys painted Aaron a picture and decorated the frame themselves. I know Aaron was so surprised, he thought we forgot about him. Zac and I gave him $10 to go see the "Incredible Hulk" movie. Oh yea, I made Aaron wear his Coolest Dad shirt the boys got him 3 years ago. It was a great day and Aaron really is the "Coolest Dad" for my boys.

P.S. I love you

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


My baby turned 11 months old on the 6th. I can't believe how fast time goes by. One year ago, this is what I looked like and now here he is, playing peek-a-boo (he covers his ears instead of his eyes)

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Poor Me

Aaron and the boys went camping today with cousin Kennady and Kristen and Joe. They are heading to the Chickasaw National Recreation Area. We always camp there and it is such a cool place. It has lots of trees, hiking trails, fishing, and swimming.

Mya went to Grandma Kathy's and Zac and I are staying home. Camping is so much fun! I am sad to miss it, but Zac has never stayed the night anywhere and 2 little ones are very hard to keep up with. (Even I think it is hard work
) Kathy offered to watch both, but I declined. So tomorrow they will come home and tell me all the fun that they had, and then I get to clean all their stuff, Yippee!! I should have pictures of the "event " tomorrow.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


My friend called Friday night at 9:30 to tell me that she won 4 Monty Pythons Spamalot tickets. We wanted to go to the show, but decided that $22 was too much to spend each. So she enters a contest online with KFOR tv station. She gets an email saying she won and to pick her tickets up the night of.

So last night Aaron, Stephanie and I went. We spent $30 something at La Luna mexican restaurant and paid $5 to park. We had an extra ticket, but couldn't think of anyone else to go with us.

After the show we all decided that we would have paid to see the show it was so Good, I mean Great! We have never been to a broadway play. I was blown away! If any of you get a chance, go see a show, it was a great experience! It makes me want to watch all the Monty Python show again. Hilarious!!

Oh by the way, Lion King is coming in April and I would love to go (I mean Win) see it.